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Earn Money with Click2Refund's Affiliate Program

Earn Money with Click2Refund's Affiliate Program

Are you a travel blogger or content creator looking to monetize your content? Look no further! Click2Refund's affiliate program offers a fantastic opportunity to earn money by partnering with a service that helps travelers claim compensation for delayed or canceled flights.

If you’ve ever been on a flight that’s delayed or cancelled, you know how frustrating the experience can be. But did you know that in many countries, you can claim compensation for d elayed and cancelled flights? For example, travellers in or from the EU and UK can claim up to €600 for a flight that’s been delayed.

Educate your audience about their rights and earn money at the same time! Here’s how.

Why join Click2Refund's affiliate program?

Click2Refund is a trusted flight compensation claim company that helps passengers win compensation for flights that are delayed or canceled. People who have b een on a flight that’s been disrupted can contact us for help getting the money they’re legally entitled to, which can often be an arduous process without assistance.

We operate on a no-win, no-fee basis, meaning passengers only need to pay us if their cl aim wins. Click2Refund has a proven track record of helping passengers secure compensation for flight disruptions, enhancing your credibility as an affiliate.

By joining our affiliate program, you can help us provide valuable assistance to your audience while earning a generous commission.

How it works

Promote: Share your unique affiliate link on your travel blog, social media, or any platform where you engage with your audience. You can use banners, articles, or even videos to explain the benefits of using Click2Refund for flight compensation claims.

Earn: For every passenger you refer who successfully claims compensation, you can earn up to 30 EUR. The more passengers you refer, the more you earn! This turns your travel content into a passive income stream since many people can click on the link.

Getting started

Sign up: Joining the Click2Refund affiliate program is simple and free. Just sign up on our website to get started.

Get your link: We’ll send an affiliate link that you can post anywhere you create content ––YouTube, blogs, social media, or anywhere else you’re online.

Support and resources: When you sign up, you can opt in to receiving emails when you earn commission and other important updates about our affiliate program.

Want to know more about passenger compensation claims? Here’s all you need to know to start creating content.

A guide to airline passenger compensation regulations in the EU, Canada, UK, and Brazil

First, it’s a good idea to have a handle on the basics of flight compensation so you know how to incorporate it into your content.

Passengers in many countries can claim compensation for delays, cancellations, and other disruptions. Regulations vary depending on the country, but flights delayed more than 3 hours are often eligible for compensation.

In order to be eligible, the flight delay has to be the airline’s fault – in other words, not due to extraordinary circumstances like extreme weather conditions or air traffic control issues.

However, more than half of flight disruptions are eligible for compensation, and airlines are notorious for claiming that flight disruptions were due to extraordinary circumstances when in fact they were the airline’s fault.

Here's a summary of the key airline passenger compensation regulations in the European Union, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Brazil.

European Union: EU Regulation 261/2004 applies to all flights departing from an EU airport, as well as flights operated by EU-based airlines arriving in the EU.

  • Passengers are entitled to compensation if their flight is delayed by 3 hours or more upon arrival. Compensation ranges from €250 to €600, depending on the distance of the flight.
  • People can also claim compensation if their flight is canceled within 14 days of departure, with amounts similar to those for delays.
  • Passengers denied boarding due to overbooking are entitled to compensation in addition to rerouting or a refund, depending on their preference.
  • If flights are delayed 2 hours or more, passengers are entitled to meals, refreshments, and accommodation if a delay requires an overnight stay.

Canada: Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR) apply to flights to, from, and within Canada, including connecting flights.

  • For flight delays, compensation in Canada is based on the length of the delay at arrival. For large airlines, it ranges from CAD 400 (3-6 hours delay) to CAD 1,000 (9+ hours delay).
  • Compensation for denied boarding due to overbooking ranges from CAD 900 to CAD 2,400, depending on the length of the delay at arrival.
  • Like the EU, Canada also requires airlines to provide food, drink, and accommodation for delays requiring an overnight stay.

United Kingdom: Post-Brexit, the UK adopted its own version of EU261, known as UK261. It applies to flights departing from a UK airport and flights operated by UK carriers arriving in the UK.

  • Compensation is similar to EU261, ranging from £220 to £520, depending on the flight distance and length of delay.
  • Passengers can claim compensation if the flight is canceled within 14 days of departure, with amounts similar to those for delays.
  • Compensation is available for passengers denied boarding due to overbooking, with similar amounts as for delays and cancellations.
  • Like the other countries, passengers are also entitled to assistance, including meals, refreshments, and accommodation if necessary.

Brazil: ANAC Resolution No. 400 applies to all flights operated by Brazilian airlines and international flights departing from Brazil.

  • If a flight is delayed by more than an hour, flights have to provide access to communication such as WiFi. Delays of over two hours entitle passengers to meals similar to other countries.
  • Delays of 4 hours or more mean passengers are entitled to compensation depending on the circumstances.
  • Passengers can also claim compensation for cancellations or denied boarding, with amounts determined by the airline and specific circumstances.
  • In Brazil, some passengers can also claim extra compensation if they were treated unfairly by the airline.

Understanding these regulations can help you tailor your content to your target audience so they know their rights depending on the country they’re travelling from. For example, if you’re creating content about travel to or from Brazil, you could also touch on some of their unique compensation laws for passengers

Keep in mind that sometimes travelers might be eligible under two different sets of laws if they’re travelling between countries that each have their own regulations for flight compensation. In these cases, you could mention that travelers can choose which country they would like to claim compensation from.

What types of content can you create for affiliate programs?

Wondering how to work your affiliate link into your next content piece? We’ve got you covered! Let’s explore various types of content you can leverage to maximize your earnings with our affiliate program.

Blog posts

Flight compensation has been in the news a lot recently, as there has been an uptick in flight disruptions. When there’s a strike at an airline, passengers are entitled to compensation under EU law – meaning large-scale disruptions are a good opportunity to educate your audience about their rights.

You can use the above information to flesh out blog posts about flight compensation, how to claim compensation, and how Click2Refund can help. Include your affiliate link, and you’re on your way to turning your blog into a passive income stream!

Social media

Social media is great for highlighting your personal experience (or sharing others’ experiences) with flight delays and cancellations. Personal stories can resonate deeply with your audience as they’ll identify with how stressful it can be to have a flight disrupted during an important trip.

TikTok and Reels are a great way to showcase personal stories with short, educational videos that explain the flight compensation process. If you don’t have a personal story, you could also share how difficult it can be for some passengers to get compensated

On YouTube, it’s possible to take a deeper dive into longer video content that includes travel tips about flight cancellations. For example, many airlines will go to great lengths to try to get out of their legal obligations to compensate passengers – you can share stories about how airlines try to trick passengers and what your audience can do about it.

On social channels, you can include your affiliate link right in the post, in your bio, or on your Linktree page

Email newsletters

If you have a travel newsletter, you can include a section about flight compensation and recommend Click2Refund to your subscribers with your affiliate link. This can be a regular footer in your newsletter to maximize your earnings, or a special feature.

You can also use email newsletters in combination with other channels to direct traffic back to your website, social content and more to create even more opportunities to leverage your affiliate links.

E-books and guides

You can also include affiliate links in eBooks and travel guides that you promote on your website. This means you can offer the guides as freebies to your audience and generate income through your Click2Refund affiliate link instead.

For example, many people looking for advice on the best airlines will probably also benefit from what to do if their flights are delayed or cancelled. Or if the eBook is related to travel in a particular country, you could mention that country’s flight compensation laws.

Online forums and communities

Are you a member of a travel forum? If so, you now have all the details you need to offer advice on flight compensation! You can share your affiliate links recommending Click2Refund when you engage in discussions about flight compensation. For example, you can visit platforms like Quora to search for questions about delayed and cancelled flights.

A few final tips for success

Want to make sure your affiliate marketing strategy is successful? Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your affiliate link:

Be consistent: Regularly share content about flight disruptions with your affiliate link to keep your audience coming back to you as a trusted source of information about flight disruptions and cancellations.

The more info you offer about the topic, the more chances you’ll have to post your affiliate link – or to benefit from links you’ve posted in the past.

Be authentic: Honest experiences, whether they’re your own or someone else’s, are a great way to build trust with your audience. If you don’t have your own story to share, don’t worry! There are a lot of news stories about passengers trying to claim compensation that you can cover.

Be engaged: Interact with your audience and respond to their questions or comments about flight compensation. Your comment section can be another way to share affiliate links by including them in your responses to popular comments

Have a question you can’t answer? Let them know that Click2Refund can help them sort out their claim!

Target the right audience: When you’re posting, you may have more success with your affiliate link if you target audiences that are likely to have been affected by a flight disruption. If you learn about an airline that’s had lots of issues with flight disruptions, it’s a great topic to create content about – and it will generate a lot more successful clicks.

Mark your content as a promotion: Whenever you earn money from an affiliate link, you should always make sure your audience knows that it’s a paid promotion. These disclosures are required by law in many countries, so it’s better safe than sorry!

However, you don’t have to make it stuffy. Even a hashtag like #sponsored can help identify your link as an affiliate link.

If you’re out of ideas on what to share with your audience, you can always visit our blog for the latest on flight compensation, new laws, airline news, and more. We post regularly about many issues surrounding flight compensation and detail how passengers can assert their rights.

By leveraging consistent, authentic, and engaging content on your preferred channel, you can promote your Click2Refund affiliate link and maximize your earnings. Start creating and sharing today to help travelers claim the compensation they deserve while boosting your income!

Written by: Click2Refund